Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Stephen Harper Comments

Stephen Harper is commenting on Stronach's defection. His take on it is that her leadership ambitions were thwarted with the Conservatives and that he saw it coming. He said he is relieved. it is important during an election that all members are working as a team.

Asked why MPs are not crossing the floor to the Conservatives he says it is because they are not romancing MPs the way the Liberals are. They are ready to do anything. He said he has made no promise to keep the Liberals in power if the Grits win the vote on Thursday. He thinks the ultimate effect will be an adverse impact on Sronach's re-election bid.

He said she did not indicate to him that she was going to defect. Her sole reason for being in the party was to obtain the leadership. He said Peter MacKay is taking this matter pretty hard.

Harper said that Belinda called him just moments before her press conference to let him know. Noted that she had voted to defeat the Liberal government several times last week, so this is not a matter of principle.


At 4:13 pm, May 17, 2005 , Blogger John the Mad said...

Mr. Martin has just welcomed Belinda Brutus into his house. She has the money and influence to depose him and apparently the burning desire to be top dog at any cost. He will likely regret this in the long run, but hey, any port in a storm


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